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  • 81.
    Recent Screenshots
  • 최근 스크린샷
  • 82.
    Account terminated
  • 계정 종료

    Translated byleewoosuk on 2011-07-23 (Report this user)

  • 83.
    Could not send HTTP request to %(hostname)s.
  • %(hostname)s에 HTTP 요청을 보낼 수 없습니다.

    Translated byalphanis on 2011-07-23 (Report this user)

  • 84.
  • 기부안함

    Translated bygreenpotter on 2010-06-04 (Report this user)

  • 85.
    Change Your Password
  • 비밀번호 변경
  • 86.
    Please check out the <a href="/documentation">Documentation</a> and <a href="/faq">FAQ</a> pages for more information.
  • 87.
    Start Browsing
  • 브라우징 시작

    Translated bygreenpotter on 2010-06-04 (Report this user)

  • 88.
    You need to select a browser first to modify its configurations.
  • 89.
    If you want to run a screenshot factory, see <a href="/documentation#HowToCreateANewScreenshotFactory">How To Create A New Screenshot Factory</a>
  • 90.
    Screen Height
  • 스크린 높이
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