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  • 91.
    The idea behind this project is to distribute the work of making browser screenshots among community members.
  • 92.
  • 설명

    Translated byalphanis on 2011-07-23 (Report this user)

  • 93.
  • 요청됨
  • 94.
    %(number)d of %(total_count)s %(object_name)s %(additional_label)s
  • 95.
    Screen Size
  • 스크린 크기
  • 96.
    Screen Height
  • 스크린 높이
  • 97.
    Request a new screenshot of %(browser_name)s on %(platform_name)s?
  • 98.
    If you want to run a screenshot factory, see <a href="/documentation#HowToCreateANewScreenshotFactory">How To Create A New Screenshot Factory</a>
  • 99.
    Icon Search Engine
  • 100.
    e.g. 1.4 / 1.5 / 1.6
  • 예: 1.4 / 1.5 / 1.6

    Translated byalphanis on 2011-07-23 (Report this user)

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