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  • 71.
    If the queue is very long, your screenshot requests may expire before they can be processed.
  • 72.
  • 73.
    Your PayPal email address is %(paypal_email)s (same as for your Browsershots account).
  • 74.
    %(from)d-%(to)d of %(total_count)s %(object_name)s %(additional_label)s
  • %(additional_label)s %(object_name)s 총 %(total_count)s개 중 %(from)d ~ %(to)d

    Translated byalphanis on 2011-07-23 (Report this user)

  • 75.
    Color Scheme
  • 색상 배치

    Translated byalphanis on 2011-07-23 (Report this user)

  • 76.
  • 단추

    Translated byalphanis on 2011-07-23 (Report this user)

  • 77.
  • 메시지

    Translated byleewoosuk on 2010-06-04 (Report this user)

  • 78.
    Browsershots has a multi-language interface to make it more personal for all users around the world. If you would like to help us do some translations, please drop a message to <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
  • 브라우저샷은 전세계 모든 사용자가 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 다국어 인터페이스를 지원합니다. 번역에 관해 저희를 도와주실 수 있다면 [email protected]로 연락을 주세요.

    Translated byalphanis on 2011-07-23 (Report this user)

  • 79.
    Activation failed
  • 활성화 실패

    Translated bytyback on 2011-07-23 (Report this user)

  • 80.
    Yes, even for inclusion in closed, for-cost works. It would be nice if you'd mention that you used browsershots.org for the screenshots, but you don't have to.
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