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  • 31.
    Successfully updated browser.
  • Webbläsare uppdaterad.

    Translated byjonastorner on 2010-06-22 (Report this user)

  • 32.
    Save testing preferences to presets...
  • Spara testinställningarna som förinställning...

    Translated byjonastorner on 2010-06-22 (Report this user)

  • 33.
    Are you sure to unsubscribe %(email)s from our mailing list?
  • 34.
    Operating System
  • Operativsystem
  • 35.
    You must agree to the terms of service to become a member.
  • Du måste acceptera användaravtalet för att bli medlem.
  • 36.
    Click to view it in action.
  • Klicka för att se i aktion
  • 37.
    The last poll came from this IP address.
  • Den senaste sökningen kom från denna ip adress.
  • 38.
  • Avbryt

    Translated bymichlos on 2010-06-04 (Report this user)

  • 39.
    The server did not send a content type header.
  • Servern skickade inte "content type header"

    Translated bysimon.osterberg on 2010-06-12 (Report this user)

  • 40.
    The source code for this project is available from the Subversion repositories or in the released ZIP files.
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