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  • 31.
    That's because the /RPC2 interface was for the old version 0.3 of Browsershots which moved to http://v03.browsershots.org/ for historic reference.
  • 32.
    Ad-free web interface.
  • 33.
    I don't have Python on my computer. Can I still run a ShotFactory?
  • 34.
    Remember me
  • Запамти ме

    Translated bymiroslavnikolic on 2012-07-15 (Report this user)

  • 35.
    Change of email address verification
  • Измените проверу адресе ел. поште

    Translated bymiroslavnikolic on 2012-07-15 (Report this user)

  • 36.
    If you didn't request this, you don't need to do anything; you won't receive any more email from us, and the request will expire automatically in %(expiration_days)s days.
  • Ако ви нисте затражили ово, не треба да радите ништа, више вам нећемо слати поруке, а захтев ће истећи у року од %(expiration_days)s дана.

    Translated bymiroslavnikolic on 2012-07-15 (Report this user)

  • 37.
    Please <a href="%(href)s">contact us</a> if you think this is a bug.
  • 38.
    Hi %(user.first_name)s
  • 39.
    Expire at
  • 40.
    Failed to rate the design.
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