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  • 51.
    Activation limit exceed
  • Aktivāciju limits pārsniegts

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

  • 52.
    Your activation link is incorrect.
  • Jūsu aktivizācijas saite ir nepareiza.

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

  • 53.
  • Visu

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

  • 54.
    What is Browsershots?
  • Kas ir browsershots?
  • 55.
    Your password has been successfully changed
  • Jūsu parole ir veiksmīgi nomainīta

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

  • 56.
    User Profile For %(username)s
  • %(username)s profils

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

  • 57.
    Why join Browsershots?
  • Kapēc pievienoties browsershots?
  • 58.
    Password changed
  • Parole nomainīta

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

  • 59.
    The new password is the same as the current one.
  • Jaunā parole ir tieši tāda pati kā esošā.

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

  • 60.
    Password retrieval request is invalid.
  • Pieprasījums pēc paroles atgūšanas nav izdevies.

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

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