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  • 51.
    File Size
  • Faila lielums

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

  • 52.
    Password must be at least 6 characters in length.
  • Parolei jābūt vismaz 6 simbolu garai.

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

  • 53.
    Change Your Password
  • Mainīt savu paroli
  • 54.
  • Iepriekš.

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

  • 55.
  • Nosūtīts

    Translated byraimondszarins on 2011-06-25 (Report this user)

  • 56.
  • Atteikties

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

  • 57.
    Sign In
  • Ieiet

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

  • 58.
    Are you human?
  • Vai esat cilvēks?

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

  • 59.
    Request a new screenshot of %(browser_name)s on %(platform_name)s?
  • Pieprasīt jaunu attēlu priekš %(browser_name)s uz %(platform_name)s?

    Translated byraimondszarins on 2011-06-25 (Report this user)

  • 60.
    Account terminated
  • Konts izdzēsts

    Translated bydexit on 2010-06-06 (Report this user)

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