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  • 11.
  • 보고된
  • 12.
    Your password has been changed.
  • 비밀번호가 변경되었습니다.

    Translated byleewoosuk on 2010-06-04 (Report this user)

  • 13.
    Old screenshots will be deleted when they haven't been accessed for a while. How long exactly depends on the number of new screenshots per day.
  • 14.
    This color depth is already enabled.
  • 이 색심도는 이미 사용 가능합니다.
  • 15.
    This email address is already in use. Please supply a different email address.
  • 해당 전자우편 주소는 이미 사용중입니다. 다른 전자우편 주소를 사용해주세요.

    Translated byleewoosuk on 2010-06-04 (Report this user)

  • 16.
    Page Not Found
  • 페이지를 찾을 수 없습니다

    Translated byleewoosuk on 2010-06-04 (Report this user)

  • 17.
  • 플래시
  • 18.
    Error code
  • 에러 코드
  • 19.
    Your link may not be on first page in our directory, you may locate it fast with the following url:
  • 20.
    Activate this browser
  • 이 브라우저를 활성화

    Translated byalphanis on 2011-07-23 (Report this user)

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