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  • 1.
    Are you sure to remove factory "%(name)s" from your account ?
  • 2.
    Please use the list below to get an idea about what browsers we lack on each platform.
  • 3.
    Problem report should be shorter than 200 characters.
  • 4.
    If the queue is very long, your screenshot requests may expire before they can be processed.
  • 5.
    Pay with Paypal, all major credit card accepted, we don't have your credit card information.
  • 6.
    Successfully added 1 browser.
  • 7.
    If you have some cheap bandwidth and a computer that is running most of the time, set up a factory and let it start making screenshots.
  • 8.
    This service is for HTML or XHTML content.
  • 9.
    All Platforms
  • 10.
    You cannot remove factories created by others
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