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  • 1.
    Submit your web design to our gallery
  • Inserisci il tuo design Web nella nostra galleria

    Translated byfilarono on 2010-06-09 (Report this user)

  • 2.
    Could not resolve IP address for %(hostname)s.
  • Impossibile risolvere l'indirizzo IP di %(hostname)s.

    Translated bymlocati on 2010-06-10 (Report this user)

  • 3.
    Delete Account
  • Elimina account

    Translated byfilarono on 2010-06-04 (Report this user)

  • 4.
    Request new screenshots?
  • Vuoi richiedere nuovi screenshot?
  • 5.
    Only my own factories
  • Solo le mie factory
  • 6.
  • In avvio
  • 7.
    Terms of Use
  • Termini di utilizzo

    Translated byfilarono on 2010-06-09 (Report this user)

  • 8.
  • Dominio
  • 9.
    Register a new screenshot factory
  • Registra una nuova screenshot factory
  • 10.
    Last Poll
  • Ultimo risultato
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