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  • 1.
    For your convenience, you may get free accounts from our partner sites with your Browsershots profile by clicking the links below.
  • 2.
    Blocked by robots.txt
  • 3.
    Preset "%(preset_name)s" already existed.
  • 4.
    Browsershots has a multi-language interface to make it more personal for all users around the world. If you would like to help us do some translations, please drop a message to <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
  • 5.
    This will overwrite the settings for preset "%(preset_name)s".
  • 6.
    %(number)d of %(total_count)s %(object_name)s %(additional_label)s
  • 7.
    The migration is fast and secure. Your password is encrypted and no more email address verification is required.
  • 8.
    You cannot remove browsers created by others.
  • 9.
    Also, if your requested configuration is too specific (e.g. specific Flash or Java version) there may not be matching screenshot factories all the time. Try the <em>Don't care</em> setting for quicker results.
  • 10.
    Add browsers with fewer running instances or with large number of pending requests first in order to optimize overall waiting time for all browsers.
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