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  • 31.
    The server is temporarily down for maintenance. It will be back online in 60 minutes. Thank you for your patience.
  • 32.
    Flash is not %(flash)s.
  • 33.
    %(total_count)s web designs
  • 34.
    For security reasons, the browser command must not contain whitespace or start with a drive letter. The purpose of this mechanism is to avoid commands like format C: or C:\rootkit.exe.
  • 35.
    The price for priority processing is <em>$%(month_price_usd)s USD</em> or <em>&euro;%(month_price_eur)s EUR</em> per month.
  • 36.
    <em>Email</em>: A valid email address to receive link code. It will also be used for future correspondence regards link changes.
  • 37.
    Your email adddress has been successfully changed
  • 38.
    Server IP address %(ip)s is disallowed.
  • 39.
    You did not provide us with the url to your link page.
  • 40.
    A number of distributed computers will open your website in their browser.
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