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  • 11.
    Update browser configurations for "%(browser_name)s"
  • 12.
    Thanks for your submission. Please add a back link to Browsershots from your website using one of the following codes:
  • 13.
    This request group already expired %(minutes)d minutes ago.
  • 14.
    This project is concerned with a favorite problem of web designers: websites look different in other browsers. Testing a new site in many browsers can be quite time-consuming.
  • 15.
    You have reached the maximum attempts for changing email address.
  • 16.
    Not everybody has a farm of legacy machines with older OSes and browsers. There are online services that offer screenshots of websites in different browsers for considerable fees. For the hobbyist and for open source projects, these fees may be prohibitive.
  • 17.
    Only for screenshot factories run by %(admin)s
  • 18.
    This username is already taken. Please choose another.
  • 19.
    Account terminated
  • 20.
    Please try again.
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