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  • 1.
    Failed to load preset.
  • 2.
    Whitespace is not permitted.
  • 3.
    <a href="/paypal/email">Click here to change</a>
  • 4.
    The best solution on Linux or Mac OS is to create a simple shell script with your desired options, make it executable (chmod a+x), put it somewhere on your PATH and then use the name of the shell script as the browser command.
  • 5.
    A message with a link to reset your password has been sent to the email address associated with your account.
  • 6.
    If you have some cheap bandwidth and a computer that is running most of the time, set up a factory and let it start making screenshots.
  • 7.
    Link page should be on domain %(domain)s
  • 8.
    Flash is not %(flash)s.
  • 9.
    In our dreams, the web looks good for all users. So we let web designers view screenshots of their pages in different browsers, at different screen resolutions and with different plugins.
  • 10.
    Your payments will be sent automatically through PayPal in the beginning of the next month (minimum $20 USD).
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