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  • 61.
    If you want to run a screenshot factory, see <a href="/documentation#HowToCreateANewScreenshotFactory">How To Create A New Screenshot Factory</a>
  • 62.
    All Browsers
  • 63.
    Expire in 60 minutes for Priority Users
  • 64.
    %(count)d screenshots
  • 65.
    How to install and maintain a screenshot factory?
  • 66.
    The source code for this project is available from the Subversion repositories or in the released ZIP files.
  • 67.
    <a href="%(url)s">Reload this page</a> or bookmark it and come back later.
  • 68.
    Are you sure to remove factory "%(name)s" from your account ?
  • 69.
    Instant activation after payment made.
  • 70.
    For example, you could save the following in /usr/local/bin/opera-newpage and then enter opera-newpage in the browser command field:
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