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  • 21.
    In order to complete the link exchange, you are required to place a link to Browsershots homepage on your website using one of the following code.
  • 22.
    If you want to improve the software, fix bugs or add features, you can download or checkout the source from http://svn.browsershots.org/ and send patches to [email protected].
  • 23.
    Recent Screenshots
  • 24.
    A language pack needs to be installed.
  • 25.
    %(count)d starting
  • 26.
    Browsershots respects the robots.txt standard. If you want, you can explicitly allow Browsershots by adding a section like this to the robots.txt file on your server:
  • 27.
    Please don't change above link text or alt text but you may add additional text to the link if you like.
  • 28.
    We're trying to make this service easy to use, open for all (including access to the source code) and 100%% free.
  • 29.
    %(bytes)s bytes
  • 30.
    How to install and maintain a screenshot factory?
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