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  • 41.
    Yes, even for inclusion in closed, for-cost works. It would be nice if you'd mention that you used browsershots.org for the screenshots, but you don't have to.
  • 42.
    There were already %(count)d screenshot requests for %(domain)s today.
  • 43.
    Total %(count)s browsers are available on %(platform)s at the moment.
  • 44.
    Failed to update preset.
  • 45.
    Also, if your requested configuration is too specific (e.g. specific Flash or Java version) there may not be matching screenshot factories all the time. Try the <em>Don't care</em> setting for quicker results.
  • 46.
    The page is not finished loading.
  • 47.
    <a href="%(url)s">Reload this page</a> or bookmark it and come back later.
  • 48.
    %(clicks)s clicks
  • 49.
    Register a new screenshot factory
  • 50.
    Color Depths
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