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  • 1.
    %(from)d-%(to)d of %(total_count)s %(object_name)s %(additional_label)s
  • 2.
    Please use the codes below and keep the link text or alt text intact.
  • 3.
    My screenshots are only the size of one screen, but my page is longer.
  • 4.
    Simple filename required.
  • 5.
  • 6.
    If you want to improve the software, fix bugs or add features, you can download or checkout the source from http://svn.browsershots.org/ and send patches to [email protected].
  • 7.
    Error code
  • 8.
    Why don't I get any screenshots?
  • 9.
    User preset
  • 10.
    Leave empty to use default command.
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