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  • 1.
    Are you sure to remove factory "%(name)s" from your account ?
  • 2.
    "%(browser)s" has been removed from factory "%(factory)s"!
  • 3.
    You cannot add browsers to a factory created by others.
  • 4.
    For your convenience, you may get free accounts from our partner sites with your Browsershots profile by clicking the links below.
  • 5.
    Some browsers on certain OS are in short and in urgent need of new installations. <a href="/browsers">Click here to see a full list.</a>
  • 6.
    %(percentage)s%% of all screenshots are generated on our own facility.
  • 7.
    Sorry, our system encountered some problems when creating your account. Please try again later.
  • 8.
    In order to complete the link exchange, you are required to place a link to Browsershots homepage on your website using one of the following code.
  • 9.
    Then they will make screenshots and upload them to our central dedicated server for your review.
  • 10.
    Are you sure to unsubscribe %(email)s from our mailing list?
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