Thanks to all contributors who translated Browsershots into 50 languages. You make it easier for users around the world to enjoy Browsershots.
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Name Username Language Translated URL
Aggelos Chraniotis chraniotis Eλληνικά 139
Apostolos Koutsoulelos akoutsoulelos Eλληνικά 77
Anthony Mattheakakis antony256 Eλληνικά 66
Efthimios Komateas ekomateas Eλληνικά 27
Μάριος Ζηντίλης m.zindilis Eλληνικά 17
Thanos Makrigiannis tzem Eλληνικά 5
Vangelis Dimitriadis vangelis183 Eλληνικά 3
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